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Call Times, Tech, Rehearsals & more

General Info:

Please see specifics for Broadway Performance Hall here.

You need to check in at the Check-In desk before EVERY show in which you perform. Even if you perform in more than one show on the same day, you need to check in before each show so that we have an accurate accounting for paying shares. If you don’t check in for a show, you will not receive a share for that show, even if you do perform.

Show duration is two hours or less including an Intermission.

  • It is very important that you stay within your allotted time.

  • Please check in with the Stage Manager before every show to discuss the show order, your tech and prop needs. 

For the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and performers please do not come to the theatre if you are feeling sick or have been exposed to someone who is ill. We encourage you to wear a mask backstage if you are unsure.


Tech for acts

There will not be a full tech rehearsal. The only scheduled time for tech-ing the acts is the first evening of each week (4:30 pm on Thursday, 3/21; Wednesday 3/27; Wednesday 4/3 and Wednesday 4/10). 

Short daily sound and light checks will be done during the 2 hours prior to each show (check in with the Stage Manager 2 hours prior to the show to initiate that process). 

For aerial acts, the daily rigging must be done during that same time period unless other arrangements have been made.

Call times

Call Time for the first night of each week is 3 hours before the show: 4:30 pm Call on Thursday, March 21; Wednesday March 27; Wednesday, April 3 and Wednesday April 10. 

Call Time for all other shows during each week is 2 hours before showtime, so 5:30pm for a 7:30pm show or 1:00pm for a 3:00pm matinee. 

Sound files

If you are using recorded music, send your file to

Please send in advance of your scheduled performance.

Include your ACT name in the subject line.

Send the full file. Links to audio services are not useful. 


Consider working with our live Show Band. They are an important element of our shows and are always happy to learn your music. Click here to find the band that will be on stage during the week in which you are performing.


Rehearsal space

It will not be possible to rehearse at Broadway Performance Hall. SANCA (The School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts) has generously offered their facilities to all Moisture Festival Artists. You are invited to train/rehearse free of charge in preparation for performances at the Festival. They have two facilities available, Emerald City Trapeze Arts and SANCA Georgetown.


For artists who have never been to SANCA before, please contact Rachel Nehmer directly at and she will help figure out which is the more appropriate venue for you as well get you set up with the proper paperwork and orientation.

For artists who have trained at SANCA in the past year, please contact the office(s) directly at for SANCA Georgetown or to schedule training time. Let them know that you are a Moisture Festival artist at the time of booking.

You must confirm that any props that will be used in your performance have been properly tested.

Audience Volunteers

If your act involves bringing a volunteer from the audience on to the stage, you must inform the Stage Manager for each show that you plan to use a volunteer. 

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